Compact loader 16e

New compact loader

8620 T-3, 9640 T-3
New perspectives

New multi-use loader

The new generation:
E-Loader 23e T

Powerful loaders and custom accessories – Schäffer quality since 1956

Schäffer is a leading manufacturer of compact wheeled and telescopic wheeled loaders for agricultural, landscaping, construction and industrial applications. Offering a large portfolio of machines that range from compact and ultra low-profile yard loaders to artic-steer telescopic wheeled loaders with operating weights of up to 12 tonnes, Schäffer is a leading manufacturer of pivot-steer loaders in Europe. A large programme of attachments makes the Schäffer loaders extremely versatile machines. With more than 480 employees, Schäffer enjoys a reputation for being an innovative, flexible and international manufacturer of high-quality machines.

How can we make your work easier?

Schäffer @Instagram
Schäffer 8620 T-3 von top agrar getestet Die dritte Generation des Teleradladers 8620 T wurde in der Januar-Ausgabe von @topagrar getestet! 🔍😎 Der Bericht hebt die neuen Komfort- und Sicherheitsmerkmale sowie das innovative Bediensystem hervor, das individuelle Einstellmöglichkeiten für den Fahrer bietet. Neugierig geworden? 📄 Lade den vollständigen Testbericht als PDF herunter und überzeuge dich selbst von den Vorteilen des Schäffer 8620 T-3! ➡️ _____ Tested by ‘top agrar’: Schäffer 8620 T-3 The third generation of the telescopic wheel loader 8620 T was tested in the January 2025 issue of ‘top agrar’ magazine. 🔍😎 The exciting report highlights the new comfort and safety features, as well as the new operating system and customisable setting options for the operator. Curious? 📄 Download the full test report as a PDF and see for yourself the advantages of the Schäffer 8620 T-3! ➡️ #schäffer #teleradlader #telescopicwheelloader #topagrar #bericht #magazin #schaffer
🌳🚜 Stark und schonend zugleich! 🚜🌳 Der 2430-2 ist ein unverzichtbarer Helfer für jede Baumschule. Ausgerüstet mit einem Universalgreifer hebt er mühelos große Pflanzen an. Dank der Breitachse, den verbreiterten Kotflügeln und den extrem breiten Reifen mit speziellem Profil schont er dabei Bodengewebe und sensible Untergründe. 🌱 Der in praxisnahen Tests gemessene sehr niedrige Verbrauch von nur 2 l/Std. trägt nicht nur zur Reduzierung des CO₂-Ausstoßes bei, sondern hilft auch, die Betriebskosten durch Kraftstoffeinsparungen erheblich zu senken. Zudem ist der Radlader HVO ready, was bedeutet, dass er für den Einsatz von HVO-Kraftstoff vorbereitet ist, um den CO₂-Ausstoß weiter zu reduzieren. Ein echter Alleskönner für jede Baumschule! 🌿 _____ 🌳🚜 Strong and gentle at the same time! 🚜🌳 The 2430-2 is an indispensable helper for any nursery. Equipped with a general grabber, it effortlessly lifts large plants. Thanks to its wide axle, wider fender, and extremely wide tires with a special tread, it protects landscape fabric and sensitive soils. 🌱 The very low consumption measured in practical tests of only 2 l/h not only helps reduce CO₂ emissions but also significantly lowers operating costs through fuel savings. Additionally, the wheel loader is "HVO ready", meaning it is prepared for the use of HVO fuel to further reduce CO₂ emissions. A true all-rounder for any nursery! 🌿 #schäffer #schaffer #radlader #wheelloader #baumschule #nursery
✨ Wir wünschen Euch einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr! 🎉 Möge es voller erfolgreicher Einsätze und vor allem Glück 🍀 und Gesundheit ❤️ sein! 🎆 ___ ✨ We wish you a happy new year! 🎉 May it be full of successful assignments and above all, happiness 🍀 and health ❤️! 🎆 #schäffer #schaffer #schaeffer #wheelloader #radlader #silvester #neujahr #newyear
🎬👉 @lindemannhendrik zu Besuch bei der @feuerwehr.lippstadt. Hier geht’s zur ganzen YouTube-Reportage: #feuerwehr #teleradlader #teleskopradlader #teleskoplader #schäffer #schaffer *werbung*
Die Weihnachtstage sind vorbei und jetzt freuen wir uns auf das nächste große Event! 🎉 In genau 100 Tagen startet die @bauma.official 2025 in München, die weltweit führende Messe für Bau-, Baustoff- und Bergbaumaschinen sowie Baufahrzeuge und -geräte, 👷‍♂️👷‍♀️ und wir sind dabei! Besucht uns vom 7. bis 13. April in Halle 6 und entdeckt unsere neuesten Innovationen. ✨ Markiert euch das Datum im Kalender und seid dabei! 💪 ____ The Christmas holidays are over, and now we're looking forward to the next big event! 🎉 In exactly 100 days, Bauma 2025 kicks off in Munich, the world's leading trade fair for construction, building material, and mining machinery, as well as construction vehicles and equipment, 👷‍♂️👷‍♀️ and we will be there! Visit us from 7th to 13th April in Hall 6 and discover our latest innovations. ✨ Mark the date in your calendar and join us! 💪 #schäffer #schaffer #messe #münchen #bauma #wheelloader #radlader #bauwirtschaft

We are Schäffer

With more than 480 employees, Schäffer enjoys a reputation for being an innovative, flexible and international manufacturer of high-quality machines.

Need help? Have you made up your mind? Or got a question on our products?

Find your local dealer or contact us. Simply fill in the contact form or give us a call.

We have relied on Schäffer for 22 years. The robust machines are especially agile, and we can use them in our old buildings without problems thanks to their low height.
Arndt Helm, Osterland Landwirtschafts GmbH, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
The Schäffer loaders save us a great deal of physical work. They are the ideal solution for our tree nurseries thanks to their many applications and a large variety of attachments.
Frank Einemann, Bruns tree nursery, Lower Saxony, Germany
We use the Schäffer loaders many hours per day. This makes good service and personal support extremely important. this is exactly what we value in Schäffer.
Hermann Hagg of the Hagg dairy farm in Bavaria, Germany
The manoeuvrability of the Schäffer loaders is of immense importance for us. The compact powerhouses are worth their weight in gold on the narrow cemetery paths.
Dziuk cemetery gardener at central cemetery in Münster, Germany
The versatility of our Schäffer loaders is unbeatable, and the all-rounders are absolutely indispensable for our business.
Reiner Böger, farmer from Westphalia, Germany
In the past, I had to unload half of the paving stones from the pallet in order to be able to move them with a loader. Now my Schäffer masters this task without problems.
Markus Dahlhoff, Landscaping, Sauerland, Germany